
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
Photo: AFP

Abbas: I will navigate Palestinian gov't

Palestinian president says Fatah, Hamas aim to create technocracy, adds future government will operate according to his policies

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Monday that both Israel and the United States fail to understand the true meaning of the Fatah-Hamas reconciliation.


Abbas' comments followed US President Barack Obama's statement that Israel will not be able to negotiate with Hamas as long as it is dedicated to its annihilation.


The future Palestinian government, he said, "Will be neither a Fatah government nor a Hamas one. It will operate according to my policy and strategies."


Speaking in a press conference in Amman, following a meeting with King Abdulla II of Jordan, Abbas said that the Palestinian factions were aiming to create a technocracy – a government comprised of independent individuals, who will not include any PLO delegates.


The Palestinian president further added that Obama's "stance on a Palestinian state and the 1967 borders was formed thanks to the efforts of King Abdulla of Jordan, during his last visit to the US."


Abbas stressed that "Hamas is part of the Palestinian society and will play a part in the democratic game as the opposition."


Hamas meanwhile, is standing firm and has stated that Hamas will never recognize Israel.




פרסום ראשון: 05.23.11, 17:28
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