
The crash site
Photo: Gil Yohanan

1 dead, 32 injured in Highway 1 crash

Truck, bus collide near Ben Shemen Interchange. Two of the wounded in serious condition. MDA declares mass casualty event; inquiry launched

One person was killed and 32 injured, two of them seriously Tuesday, when a truck and a bus traveling on Highway 1 collided near the Ben Shemen Interchange, near Jerusalem.


Police, Fire and Rescue and Magen David Adom emergency services dispatched large teams to the area. In addition to the fatality and those seriously injured, MDA noted five people suffered moderate injuries, and the rest were lightly wounded.


The circumstances of the accident are being investigated.

(Photo: Gil Yohanan) 


The police closed off the section of the road linking the Ben Shemen Interchange with Highway 1 and the area is currently gridlocked.


Initial details suggest the truck and the bus were traveling in parallel lanes when they collided, at about 09:30 am. The bus sustained heavy damage, as the force of the collision slammed it against the safely rail and caused its entire side to rip open.


As a result several passengers were trapped in the wreckage.


MDA evacuated 16 of the injured to Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, four were rushed to the Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer and four were taken to the Kaplan Medical Center in Rehovot.


Egged Spokesman Ron Ratner issued the following statement: "Egged bus number 405, en route from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and in near-full capacity, was involved in a car crash near Ben Shemen this morning.


"The circumstances of the accident are being investigated by the Highway Police. Egged's accident investigation unit and the bus driver are lending the police their full cooperation."


The statement added that the driver, who was unharmed, "Has a spotless driving record of 27 years. The bus was checked by Egged's central garage on May 20 and was in top technical condition.


"Egged is deeply saddened by this accidents and wishes the injured a speedy recovery."


Meital Yasur-Beit Or and Hagai Einav contributed to this report







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