
Positive reactions. 'Rabies'
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'Rabies' sees the world

After winning critics award at Fantasporto, Israeli horror film purchased for distribution in US, Canada

On the backdrop of Israel's success at the Cannes Film Festival, Israeli cinema is marking yet another achievement.


After winning the critics award at Fantasporto 2011 in Portugal and receiving positive reactions from the audience and international critics at the Tribeca Film Festival, Israeli horror film "Kalevet" ("Rabies") has been purchased by American distribution company Image Entertainment and Canadian film distributor Mongrel Media.


The film was written and directed by Navot Papushado and Aharon Keshales.


"Rabies" has also been selected to represent Israel at the Edinburgh International Film Festival, which will be held from June 15 to June 26.



פרסום ראשון: 05.29.11, 14:09
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