
Netanyahu: A lot of American support
Photo: Gil Yohanan

PM says 'laid down cornerstone' in US

Netanyahu sums up Washington visit, calls for 'wise, responsible conduct' in response to Arab Spring

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday recounted his aims for a recent visit to the US, saying that he had "laid down the cornerstone uniting most of the parties".


Netanyahu said that the issues uniting his government were "the recognition of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people, military presence along the Jordan River, and the issue of Hamas not being obligated to the Quartet".


"I told the president we cannot accept the 1967 lines, which he referred to in his speech. At AIPAC the president said the borders would not be (those of) '67. The final version of Obama's speech was approved during the day before his speech. There is a lot of support in America for Israel," Netanyahu added.


The prime minister also called for "wise and responsible conduct" in light of regional changes invoked by the Arab Spring.


"We commend democracy, but don't know if and when it will happen," he said, adding that Egypt was "having trouble" controlling international terror organizations in Sinai.


Netanyahu said Hamas was gaining power in Egypt. "It transferred its operations to Egypt from Syria because of the uprisings there," the prime minister said. "We are worried about what will happen around us, especially on the peaceful fronts – Egypt and Jordan," he said.



פרסום ראשון: 05.30.11, 12:01
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