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Reality TV star suspected of rape

Police say 17-year old girl complained of sexual assault, but suspect denies allegations

The star of a famous reality TV show has been arrested on suspicion of rape and sexual assault, police say.


On Wednesday he was brought before the Tel Aviv Magistrates' Court for a hearing on the remand of his arrest, but the court decided to release him under house arrest. Judges also placed a gag order on his name.



Police say a 17-year old girl complained that a week ago the young celebrity came to her house and raped her.


The suspect has denied the allegations, claiming the girl is an acquaintance and that he did not use force.


"This is a gentle-spirited boy, who has women falling at his feet. It sounds like intentional framing," said his agent, adding that she hoped he would be released soon.


Eli Senyor contributed to this report



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