
Vilnai: Vowed to move exposed road
Photo: Gil Yohanan
School bus hit by missile
Photo: APA

Israel to use trees as missile defense

After school bus attack, state paves 'secret road' to keep terrorists from aiming at vehicles

The Defense Ministry said Thursday it was working on paving a "secret road" between Gaza vicinity towns in order to make it more difficult for terrorists to fire at vehicles.


Two months ago terrorists fired an anti-tank missile at a school bus, killing a 16-year old boy and prompting Minister of Home Front Defense Matan Vilnai to promise Israel would move the road leading to Nahal Oz to a different location.



The new road passes between trees, which block it from view. Currently being paved with asphalt, it is 3.5 km long and has been estimated to cost around $1.3 million.


A source familiar with the proceedings told Ynet the road will be ready for use by both civilian and military traffic sometime during the second week of July.


In addition, the ministry is also working to repave an exposed road inside Kibbutz Sa'ad, which leads to the local school.


The source also told Ynet that a tree-planting project is taking place simultaneously, in order to provide more cover from terrorist fire.


"The tree-planting has already begun. Some of them may be just saplings that will take a while to grow, but others are already 2.5 meters tall and provide a kind of blocking wall," the source said. "They will provide safety for the residents and students of the area."



פרסום ראשון: 06.02.11, 15:02
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