
Focus of disagreement? Palestinian PM Fayyad
Photo: Reuters

Hamas blames Fatah for unity delay

Gaza rulers say reconciliation talks at stalemate over Fatah's insistent to name Salam Fayyad next PM

Hamas said on Sunday the rival Fatah faction of President Mahmud Abbas is delaying moves to seal reconciliation by insisting on keeping Salam Fayyad as prime minister.


The talks have reportedly stalled over the prime minister post. Abbas and his Fatah movement want to keep Fayyad, despite strong objections from Hamas.



"The delay in the national reconciliation agreement between Fatah and Hamas stems from our brothers in Fatah," Hamas politburo member Izzat al-Risheq, said.


"We are waiting for them to come back to the negotiating table to put in place what was planned in this agreement and to make rapid progress on all issues, notably the choice of prime minister," he added.


"Hamas does not impose a candidate of Fatah, and Fatah is not to impose a candidate, it is our right," he said. "No one should create a negative atmosphere lest we find ourselves in a deadlock."


Palestinian Chief Negotiator Saeb Erakat denied last week that the Hamas-Fatah talks were at an impasse, saying that Abbas was "making every possible effort" to form a government.



פרסום ראשון: 07.03.11, 17:28
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