
Itay Ben Dror
Photo: Yaron Brener

Dad convicted of murdering his 3 kids

Court convicts Itay Ben Dror of three counts of premeditated murder for stabbing his kids to death

Itay Ben Dror, who killed his three children in July 2010, was convicted Sunday of three counts of premeditated murder.


Ben Dror stabbed Omer (10), Roni (8), and Or, (5) to death in their Netanya home.



Ben Dror's attorney, Ran Alon, claimed during Sunday's hearing that his client first intended to commit suicide, but then decided to kill his kids a week before committing the crime.


He said that he did not plan the murder as a revenge, "but wished to take the lives of his own kids in order to save his and their lives from this world's misery. He perceived them as suffering, and doomed to suffer."


Alon said that Ben Dror believed that "this was the only way they could live forever."


The prosecutor, Ronit Poznansky, asked the judges to sentence Ben Dror to three life sentences, for each of the victims.


Alon asked for another professional opinion to complement the psychiatric evaluation of his client, to examine the possibility that Ben Dror suffers from a severe mental disorder, which could prevent the court from sentencing him to life in prison. The Attorney claimed that the defendant suffers from depression, borderline personality disorder, and a cognitive disorder caused by neurological damage.



פרסום ראשון: 07.10.11, 16:38
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