
'Will not allow extremists to injure IDF officers,' Barak
Photo: Ofer Amram

Barak considers emergency laws against rightists

Defense Minister looks into emergency regulations in wake of assault on IDF commander

Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Thursday instructed his legal adviser to look into the possibility of using old emergency laws to curb rightist attacks on IDF soldiers.


Barak ordered attorney Ahaz Ben Ari "to examine every possible way within the legal framework – including the use of Defence (Emergency) Regulations from 1945 – to stop disturbances and harassment perpetrated against Commander of Judah and Samaria Division Brigadier General Nitzan Alon, his family members and other officers and soldiers."



Some 10 days ago, Brigadier General Alon's vehicle was attacked by several youths at Tapuach Junction in the West Bank. Alon left the scene after right-wing activists encircled his car and began kicking it, while resorting to slurs and chanting "traitor."


IDF officials played down the incident, claiming a handful of female teenagers slightly tapped the car and that Alon, who was on his way to the division headquarters, did not leave the scene.


Speaking at a situation assessment hearing, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said: "We will not allow a situation whereby extremists injure IDF officers. These officers and commanders protect the residents of Judea and Samaria and all of the State's citizens."


Chief of Staff Benny Gantz also commented on the incident, saying "We must maintain a united IDF, and separate it from any political disagreement, in order to allow our commanders to perform their duty.


"The attempt to undermine the authority of a senior commander is unacceptable, and I expect everyone to continue deploring such acts," he said.



פרסום ראשון: 07.14.11, 17:24
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