
MK Hanin Zoabi
PHoto: Ohad Zwigenberg
Knesset House Committee Chairman MK Yariv Levin
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Knesset content with Zoabi's apology

Majority of Knesset House Committee members satisfied with Balad MK's apology over usher incident. Chairman: She understood such acts are forbidden

The Knesset's House Committee discussed Tuesday the incident at the Knesset plenum last week in which MK Hanin Zoabi (Balad) allegedly attacked a usher.


Most of the committee members said that although this was a serious case, they were content with Zoabi's apology. They also voiced their support of the attacked usher, stressing she was only doing her job.



Knesset House Committee Chairman MK Yariv Levin (Likud) addressed the committee: "Knesset Members are not above the law and such behavior dishonors the Knesset and disturbs us all."


Levin added that Zoabi did in fact apologize for her conduct. "She understood that such acts are not allowed," he said. "This case proves that there are clear limits. I have reasonable ground to believe that chances of such a thing happening again are slim."


The chairman also criticized the fact that there are only two female ushers working in the Knesset, despite there being more female Knesset Members than ever before.


MK Nissim Zeev (Shas) said that if Zoabi has asked for forgiveness then it is time to move on. "It's a chance to show her we accept her apology this time," he said. MK Uri Orbach (Habayit Hayehudi) added that her apology is sufficient: "I don't think this squeezed lemon can extract anymore juice."


However MK Shlomo Molla (Kadima) noted that the debate has turned Zoabi into a "martyr."


MK Michael Ben Ari (National Union) was far blunter: "Zoabi is driven by hate. Attacking those ushers is like letting the cat out of the bag."


Hand over more authority?

During an earlier discussion on Tuesday, MK Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) requested to broaden the Knesset's Ethics Committee's authorities, after the committee decided to suspend Zoabi for participating in last year's Gaza flotilla.


According to Hotovely's proposal, the Ethics Committee would be able to fine MKs who stray from acceptable norms in the residency and even rule on whether or not one's term in office might be terminated.


Aside from MK Talab El-Sana (United Arab List-Ta'al) and MK Ahmad Tibi, who participated in the debate for only a few minutes, no other Arab MKs came to the meeting. They claimed the proposal hinders the freedom of action and expression and resembles political persecution.


Hotovely explained that "there are some MKs involved in problematic activities. Starting with an MK that boards the Marmara flotilla, organized by a terror organization, followed by MKs traveling to other countries where there is clear support of Hamas or Hezbollah, as we've seen before."


"When we look at these actions, which are considered appalling, we see no reason not to deal with their origins. I feel that the handling of such cases by the Ethics Committee today is easy… There are some actions here which contradict the very existence of Israel is so many ways."



פרסום ראשון: 07.19.11, 15:36
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