
Ariel: End discrimination
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Bill: Fund settlement museums

Amendment allotting state funds to 15 museums in Judea and Samaria passes preliminary reading

The Knesset on Wednesday approved in its preliminary reading an amendment to the Museums Act, which will enable museums in Judea and Samaria to receive funds from the Culture and Sport Ministry.


The bill was proposed by MK Uri Ariel (Natinal Union), and received backing from 51 MKs.



"The Museums Act was intended to allot budgets to museums throughout Israel. In Judea and Samaria there are 15 museums that do not enjoy this legally afforded funding because of their location. We must put an end to this discrimination," MK Ariel told Ynet.


Among the museums operating in settlements are Kedum, in Kedumim, which showcases the history and archaeology of the settlement, Eretz Yehuda, in Kiryat Araba, which exhibits archaeological findings from the area, and the Moshe Castel Museum in Ma'ale Adumim.


But sources from Israel's museums say the bill may not have legal capacity, explaining that in order to impose Israeli law in Judea and Samaria the IDF's Central Command must issue special orders.


"The Knesset does not have sovereignty over this area, and besides these are facilities that have not been checked to see whether they fit the criteria for recognition according to the Museums Act," one source said.


In addition, according to sources familiar with the act, cash flow could be a problem. There are currently 53 museums that receive government funding, and 15 additional museums, sources say, could mean a significant decrease in budgeting for these facilities.



פרסום ראשון: 07.20.11, 16:33
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