
Bushehr nuclear power plant
Photo: Reuters

Opposition: Iran consolidating nuclear efforts

Tehran opposition group claims Islamic Republic's leaders formed new agency dedicated to nuclear weapons research

An Iranian opposition group says Tehran's leaders have created a new defense agency to consolidate nuclear weapons research.


The Mujahedin-e Khalk, or MEK, said that Iran's defense ministry established the Organization for New Defense Research in March. It is led by a physicist suspected of running the country's nuclear arms

development programs.



Iran has repeatedly denied it seeks nuclear weapons. The United States and others believe Iran wants the capacity to build such weapons, though it may not have decided to do so.


The MEK said Iran consolidated its nuclear research efforts because it believes it can continue to deny international inspectors access to sensitive sites.


Some previous MEK claims about Iran's nuclear program have been confirmed. Others have not.



פרסום ראשון: 07.22.11, 22:23
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