
Child complained to his mother about anti-Semitic graffiti (archives)
Photo: Ido Erez

Vermont Jews ask why graffiti remains

Members of Jewish community wonder why swastikas, anti-Semitic phrases have not been removed from wall of building since March

Some members of the Jewish community in northeastern Vermont are asking why no effort was made to remove anti-Semitic graffiti from a Lyndonville building until after a child complained to his mother.


Lyndonville officials tried last week to remove the graffiti from the wall of a building at Powers Park, but all the efforts did was lighten the graffiti.


The Caledonian Record newspaper says the graffiti has been on the back of the building since March.


Last week a student lifeguard working near the building told his mother of the graffiti, which includes swastikas and anti-Jewish phrases.


Chamber of Commerce President Steve Nichols, who is Jewish, told the Caledonian Record he wants to know why children had to bring the issue to the attention of adults.



פרסום ראשון: 08.01.11, 07:40
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