
$5 for a cappuccino in the sky
Photo: MCT

El Al to serve cappuccino on flights

Israeli airline begins offering illy coffee to economy class passengers for $4-5 per cup; 30% of proceeds to be used for flight attendants' parties

Prepare some change, coffee's on its way: El Al Israel Airlines has begun selling espresso and cappuccino to its economy class passengers during flights. The price: $4 for a cup of illy espresso and $5 for cappuccino.


The company decided to start offering high quality coffee on its planes in a bid to increase its income.


According to a memo sent Sunday to El Al's air crews, the new service will be offered at first as a trial on the Boeing 747-400 plane which was recently purchased from Singapore Airlines and is used in long-haul flights.


The memo added that 30% of the proceeds would be used for flight attendants' parties.


El Al currently serves free espresso and cappuccino to its business and first class passengers. Not all economy class passengers will have to pay for the new service: Top Platinum members, who have collected at least 10,000 points within 12 months, will receive their coffee for free.


Air crews have received instructions on how to prepare the coffee, stir it and serve it with "a napkin and chocolate". Payment must be collected on the spot.


El Al said in response, "This is an initial experiment to expand our services and products basket to economy class passengers."


Last week, El Al announced a change in its baggage policy on flights to and from North America. Starting November 1, economy class passengers will be entitled to store only one piece of luggage weighing up to 23 kilos (50 pounds) in the aircraft hold at no extra cost, instead of two pieces according to the old policy.



פרסום ראשון: 10.05.11, 09:47
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