
Hitler. Sent woman to guillotine
Photo: AP

Little-known Shoah story featured in US

Jewish Museum Milwaukee hosts exhibit about only American woman executed on Hitler's direct orders

The Jewish Museum Milwaukee is hosting an exhibit about the only American woman executed on direct orders of Adolf Hitler.


Mildred Fish Harnack, a Milwaukee native, taught literature in Madison and then at several German universities following a 1929 move to Germany.


She and her husband Arvid Harnack worked in opposition to the Nazis as a member of the resistance group known as the "Red Orchestra," a code name assigned by the Gestapo.


They were arrested in the fall of 1942. Arvid Harnack was executed, and though she was originally imprisoned, Hitler himself intervened and sent her to the guillotine in February 1943.


The exhibit includes a rubbing of the floor of the room in which she was imprisoned and later beheaded. It will run through November 27.



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