
Judge Amnon Cohen
Photo courtesy of the Israel Courts

Judge saves defendant's life

District Court Judge Amnon Cohen's swift actions prevent epileptic defendant from suffocating, eyewitnesses say

Jerusalem District Court Judge Amnon Cohen saved a defendant's life on Tuesday, after the man suffered an epileptic seizure during a hearing of his case.


At 10 am, the court convened to hear an appeal filed over a Traffic Court ruling regarding Jerusalem resident Eliyahu Alfasi, who was convicted of driving without a license or car insurance.


Alfasi is a repeat traffic offender and the Traffic Court revoked his license for one year. The State Prosecutor's Office appealed the sentence, which it deemed as too light.


Several minutes before the hearing, Alfasi began feeling unwell. Moments later he collapsed in a full epileptic seizure and lost consciousness. Judge Cohen rushed to his side immediately and made sure he did not accidently suffocate.


Eyewitnesses said that Cohen's swift action saved Alfasi's life. Cohen served as a medic with the IDF Armored Corps.


Assisted by Attorney Yigal Tamir, he stayed by Alfasi's side until Magen David Adom and Prison Service paramedics arrived.


After recovering, Alfasi refused to be taken to a hospital and instead of thanking the judge he accused him of hurting him by "pulling" on his tongue.




פרסום ראשון: 11.22.11, 22:49
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