
Riots in Shufat (Archive)
Photo: AP

East J'lem: 8 Palestinians arrested in riots

Palestinians hurl stones at Border Guard officers, burn Israeli flags in protest against construction of new passage for pedestrians in Shufat neighborhood

Border Guard officers arrested eight Palestinians during a violent protest near the Shufat checkpoint in northeast Jerusalem on Thursday. Dozens of Palestinians took part in the rally against the construction of a new passage for pedestrians.


The rioters hurled stones at Border Guard officers, shot fireworks into the air and burned Israeli flags. No damages or injuries were reported.


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In October, stones were cast towards the Light Rail passing through the Shufat neighborhood, near the Israel Police National Headquarters. A windowpane was shattered, but passengers remained unharmed.


The train drove on to a depot but all the passengers were dropped off at the nearest station, in the French Hill neighborhood. An alternative train was sent in its place.


Almost at the same time, stones were hurled at a bus near the Jaffa Gate in the Old City. The bus driver lost control of the vehicle, hit a wall and consequently sustained light injuries. The passengers were not injured.




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