
Photo: Yaffa Raziel
Tel Aviv boulevard (archives(
Photo: Yaffa Raziel

Join special Tu B'Shvat tour of Tel Aviv

English-language 'green' tour along city's boulevards takes you back in time through stories about creators of history, traditions of Zionism

The city of Tel Aviv was founded in 1909. It was only in 1925, when the city grew to host over 25,000 inhabitants, that the need for a city plan came to pass.


Sir Patrick Geddes, a pioneer in city planning, was chosen for the job. With experience in urban planning in India, he was also the one who designed the first Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and therefore seemed to be just the right man for this new venture.


We have his background as a Scottish botanist to thank for his creation of Tel Aviv as a green kind of "gardens' city" crossed by a "belt" of green avenues.


Tel Aviv, since its very beginning, was intended to be a city with nice private gardens adorned by fruit trees and vegetable plots. Dr Hissin, the well-known doctor in charge of the health of the 60 or so families in his vicinity, even had his own dairy cow in the backyard of his house.


On the first Tu B'Shvat in 1910 in "Ahuzat-Bayit" (the first name given to the neighborhood before it became the city of Tel Aviv), although it was a fallow year and new plants could not be planted, school students joined in a singing parade and threw flowers at each other.


To celebrate this holiday, an English-language "green" tour along the boulevards' belt crossing the historical city of Tel Aviv will take place on Saturday, February 11, at 2 pm, guided by Paule Rakower for Discover Tel Aviv.


The tour will take you back in time through stories about the people who created the history and traditions of Zionism and who are so identified with Tu B'Shvat as to turn it into one of the most "Zionist" holidays of modern times.


For further information, please contact Discover Tel Aviv: Tel. 972-3-5100337



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