
Sinai Peninsula
Photo: Tzur Sheizaf

3 tourists kidnapped in Sinai

Armed tribesmen kidnap Korean tourists, Egyptian guide in Sinai Peninsula

Egypt's security chief for the Sinai peninsula says armed tribesmen have kidnapped three Korean tourists and their Egyptian guide.


Maj. Gen. Mohammed Nagib says the tribesmen stopped a tourist bus and took the four, leaving a number of other tourists behind.


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The kidnapping Friday was the latest in a string this month. Tribesmen often abduct tourists to use in negotiations with the government over the release of imprisoned colleagues. The tourists are rarely harmed.


Tribesmen briefly kidnapped 18 Egyptian security guards on Thursday to protest the killing of one of their clan.


Two American women who were briefly abducted last week with their Egyptian guide said afterward that their captors served them tea and dried fruit.





פרסום ראשון: 02.10.12, 18:59
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