
Nabil Elaraby
Photo: AFP

Arab League chief Egypt's next president?

Egypt's Higher Military Council joins forces with political parties in pushing Nabil Elaraby as consensus presidential candidate

Egyptian media are reporting that the Higher Military Council is negotiating with political parties about  pushing Arab League Secretary-General Nabil Elaraby as a presidential candidate. The Al Masry Al Youm newspaper reported that secret meetings about Elaraby's candidacy are being held ahead of the May elections.


The meetings are being attended by representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, the liberal parties and of the Higher Military Council. According to the report, the sides have agreed on pushing Elaraby as the consensus presidential candidate.


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It was also decided that parliament will not make any amendments to the presidential election law which was recently approved by the Council.


Meanwhile, the Gulf States are demanding that the Arab League chief be named a candidate based on his personal abilities and extensive knowledge. Al Masry Al Youm reported that those countries asked leaders of the Islamist parties to support Elaraby and have suspended their financial aid to Egypt until he is elected president.


A senior Salafi official said that the Al-Nour party will join the campaign if they find Elaraby and his platform compelling enough.


"But if we learn he will be president only formally with no platform then we shall adopt a different stance." It was also reported that the Muslim Brotherhood's Shura Council is scheduled to decide which presidential candidate to endorse in its next meeting but that currently Elaraby is the leading choice.




פרסום ראשון: 02.17.12, 15:04
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