
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah
Photo: EPA

Lebanon: 3 sentenced to death for spying for Israel

Military court finds three civilians guilty of collaborating with Jewish state; 2 sentenced in absentia

A military court in Lebanon sentenced three civilians to death on Friday for spying for Israel, the Lebanese newspaper Annahar reported.


A judicial source told the newspaper that one of them, Moussa Ali Moussa, handed over information about senior Hezbollah leaders over the period of a decade.


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According to the prosecution, Moussa was in touch with Israel between 2000 and 2010.


Two others, Ali Sweid and Ahmed Hussein Abdullah, were also found guilty of spying for the Jewish state, and were sentenced to death in absentia.


Earlier this month, a former police officer, Haitham al-Sahmarani, was convicted of the same charge, and was condemned to death as well. He was found guilty of giving sensitive security information to Israeli intelligence agents including during a month long 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah.


The Lebanese authorities launched a national campaign in 2009 aimed at exposing Israeli spy rings that they claimed were active in the country. More than 100 people have been arrested since then on suspicion of collaborating with the Jewish state, especially with the Mossad.


Many of the convicts were sentence to death, but so far none have been executed.




פרסום ראשון: 02.25.12, 14:41
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