
Photo: Tomariko
Yossi Graber
Photo: Tomariko

Yossi Graber granted Theater Lifetime Achievement Award

Theater Academy to present Graber with prestigious award; judges say 'Graber truly personifies Israeli theater in his work'

Prominent Cameri Theater actor Yossi Graber will be presented with the 2012 Theater Lifetime Achievement Award.


A statement by the Theater Academy said that. "Yossi Graber transmits grace and liveliness when portraying a fictional character on stage. The variety of characters Graber has portrayed is testimony to his hard work, achievements and talent. We know that this award will only challenge him to produce another theatrical masterpiece," they added.


In response to his award, Graber told Ynet: "This prize makes me very happy."


Cameri Director General Noam Semel said: "The announcement of Graber's lifetime achievement award is fantastic. You could say that Graber truly personifies Israeli theater in his work.


"Even at 79, Graber doesn't stop for one minute and performs night after night with his show 'Tuesdays with Morrie.'"


Yossi Graber was born in Tel Aviv in 1933, where he still resides. He began acting at the young age of 12 at a local children's theater – "Bimateinu". During his mlitary service he studied at the Nisan Nativ Acting Studio.


Following his service, Graber began performing in the Cameri Theatre and Habima Theatre in Tel Aviv. In 1955 Graber moved to London to study in the Royal Academy of Arts. While in London, he worked as a news anchor for the BBC's Hebrew department.


During his acting career, Graber took part in several international films such as "A Woman Called Golda" with Ingrid Bergman and "Diamonds" with Shelly Winters.


Graber has won many awards in his career including the "David's Harp" award, the America-Israel Cultural Foundation award and Actor of the Year for 2002.







פרסום ראשון: 03.11.12, 08:45
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