
The train
Photo: Ilana Curiel

Train hits herd of cows near Beersheba

Train unable to break before colliding into cattle crossing the tracks; 20 cows killed in accident, but no passengers injured

A train bound for Beersheba hit a herd of cows crossing the tracks near Lehavim.


None of the passengers were hurt, but 20 cows were killed in accident.


Emergency services were dispatched to the scene and train traffic in the area has been temporarily diverted to Kiryat Gat.


הרכבת נעצרה (צילום: גונן פלד)

The scene (Photo: Ilana Curiel)


Magen David Adom emergency services that were called to the scene confirmed that all of the passengers were unharmed.


Southern Highway Police Commander Superintendent Yuval Paz told Ynet that "the train driver's ability to break prevented a catastrophe. It was a miracle that excluding one wheel, the train didn’t derail."


The police are now trying to locate the herd's owner.


Hillel Posek contributed to this report



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