
Finance Ministry Accountant-General Michal Abadi
Photo courtesy of the Treasury

Treasury releases State assets report

Finance Ministry Accountant-General's Office says State-owned land worth NIS 303 billion; in 2011 the State's assets were worth NIS 291.5 billion ($77.32 billion).

The Finance Ministry Accountant-General's Office released the State's financial records for 2011 on Wednesday.


For the first time, the report included a monetary assessment of state-owned land, which came to NIS 303 billion (roughly $79.42 billion).


Israel's territory was divided into two sections for evaluation purposes: Marketed land, i.e. – areas designated for construction, and free land, meaning areas which have yet to me earmarked for use.


According to the report 76% of State land – or 39.78 million acres – is still free.


The state currently owns 963,707 acres of designated land, worth some NIS 12.9 billion ($3.39 billion).


Other information included in the report suggested that overall, the State's assets in 2011 were worth NIS 291.5 billion ($77.32 billion).


Israel's roads stretch some 3,790 miles, divided into 156.6 miles of freeways and 1,975 miles of highways.


The IDF's holdings came to NIS 66.8 billion ($17.5 billion) in various assets.


The report also supplied a segmentation of State expenditures, saying that 19% of the State budget was invested in security, 18% in social security and 12% on pensions.


Some 9% of the budget was allocated to healthcare, followed by education (7%), transportation (4%) and

homeland security (2%).


About 8% of the annual budget went towards covering the deficit, which in 2011 came to NIS 28.6 billion ($7.49 billion).



פרסום ראשון: 05.09.12, 15:10
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