
Ilan Ben Dov

Hutchison to regain controlling interest of Partner

Controlling shareholder Ilan Ben Dov's Suny Electronics confirms talks with Hutchison International

Partner Communications' controlling shareholder Ilan Ben Dov confirmed Sunday that he is in talks with Hutchison Telecommunications International to sell his shares in the company.


Under the deal, Hutchison will acquire controlling interest in the Orange franchise from Ben Dov's company Suny Electronics.


Ben Dov acquired 51.3% of Partner from Hutchison Telecommunications in 2009 for a reported $1.38 million.


The move follows a notice issued by Bank Leumi to Suny in late May, saying that the bank plans to take immediate action to secure the company's debt, including the possibility of seizing the Partner shares used as collateral for the loan.


Ben Dov had reportedly met with met Amikam Cohen and Dan Eldar, Hutchison's representatives in Israel, to discuss various possibilities that will enable him to pay off his debt.


Ilan Ben Dov owns 71.3% of Suny, which owns 78.7% of Scailex, which owns 44.5% of Partner.



פרסום ראשון: 06.03.12, 14:32
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