
Photo: Avi Mualem

Girl locked in car for 2 hours in scorching heat

4-year-old from Abu Gosh suffers heatstroke after being trapped in car in 36-degree weather

A 4-year-old girl who was locked inside a car for two hours on Saturday suffered from heatstroke and was evacuated to Jerusalem's Shaare Zedek Medical Center in moderate condition.


The incident took place in Abu Gosh, located just a few kilometers west of the capital, where temperatures reached 36 degrees Celsius (about 98 degrees Fahrenheit).


According to the girl's uncle, she entered her parent's car when they were not home and apparently locked herself in by mistake.


The uncle found the girl in the car after two hours, and Maged David Adom paramedics treated her at the scene before evacuating her to the hospital.


Police have launched an investigation into the incident.



פרסום ראשון: 06.16.12, 17:56
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