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Treasury wants NIS 20M for financial education

Capital Markets division says it needs to upgrade infrastructure in order to boost public's financial education

The Treasury's Budget Department has recently asked the Knesset's Finance Committee for NIS 20 million (roughly $5.2 million) for the purpose of upgrading its financial education infrastructure, Ynet has learned.


The request, stipulated that about 25% of the budget it meant to upgrade the Capital Markets division's website; despite the fact that the Bank of Israel and the Israel Securities Authority already have websites offering the public financial education.


The Education Ministry has also launched a financial education pilot program in several schools across Israel.


The committee deferred the vote pending "the submission of a more detailed proposal."


Ynet's inquiry derived that the Treasury's request for additional funds stems from its desire to unite and simplify the various existing programs.


"We want to outline a financial program that would help the Israeli public make educated decisions regarding their personal finances," Nirit Gadasi, head of the Treasury's Financial Education Department told Ynet.


Gadasi added that the funds requested will go towards a central website, which will feature various education tools, calculators, visual information, instructional videos, etc.



פרסום ראשון: 06.22.12, 08:18
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