
Norway protest calls to boycott Israel

ADL lauds church for 'positive investment' in Israel-PA conflict

Jewish organization praises Episcopal Church's rejection of 'biased, misguided' campaign urging Protestant churches to divest from companies doing business with Israel

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) applauded on Sunday the Episcopal Church for promoting "positive investment" and a negotiated two-state solution in the Israel-Palestinian conflict at the triennial General Convention Assembly in Indianapolis.


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The ADL released a statement saying the Episcopal Church joins the United Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Church (USA), which have in recent weeks rejected the "biased, misguided campaign urging these mainline Protestant Churches to divest from companies doing business with Israel."


The US Episcopal Church, affiliated with the Anglican Church, also tabled a resolution calling for corporate engagement and dissemination of "information on products" made in the West Bank, the organization said.


ADL National Director Abraham Foxman, and Rabbi Eric J. Greenberg, ADL director of Interfaith Affairs, issued a joint statement: "We applaud the constructive approach taken by the Episcopal Church, choosing to invest in positive activities and rejecting the damaging, misguided tactics proposed by those in the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.


"We particularly appreciate the courageous stance taken by the Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, who made it clear this year that the Episcopal Church does not endorse divestment or boycotts, and asked Episcopalians to choose investment instead, explaining that, 'It’s not going to be helpful to endorse divestment or boycott of Israel. It will only end in punishing Palestinians economically'," they said.



פרסום ראשון: 07.15.12, 13:31
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