
Photo: Orly Dayan
Photo: Orly Dayan

Polished diamonds exports down 19% in H1-2012

First six months of 2012 see gem exports tumble, amount to $3.26 billion

Israeli export of polished diamonds dropped 18.9% in the first half of 2012, amounting to $3.26 billion, compared to $4.02 billion in the same period in 2011.


A semiannual review by Shmuel Mordechai, who acts as the Industry, Trade and Labor Ministry's diamond controller, further said that the net value of rough diamond exports dropped to $1.51 billion from $2.26 billion in H1-2011 – a 19.3% fall.


Diamond imports were down as will, as Israel imported $2.2 billion worth of polished diamonds – a 21.7% drop for the corresponding period last year.


Exports of diamonds in June came to $95 million, compared with $250-300 million in an average month, according to ministry records.


Mordechai attributed the declines to the slowdown noted in world economy in general, as well as to a crisis in the diamond industry.


The United States remained Israel's largest market with a 47%, followed by Hong Kong (29%), Belgium (7%), Switzerland (6%) and the UK (2%).



פרסום ראשון: 07.17.12, 14:58
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