
Commander Nissim Edri
Photo: Haim Tzach

Officer embroiled in police sex scandal escapes indictment

IAB recommends only disciplinary action be taken against Commander Nissim Edri, who failed to report District Police chief's alleged sexual misconduct

Jerusalem Periphery Police Commander Nissim Edri, who failed to report the alleged sexual misconduct of Jerusalem District Police Commander Niso Shaham will not face criminal charges.


Shaham, who has been placed on leave, is suspected of sexual harassment and imposing sexual intercourse on female subordinates.


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The Police Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB) recommended Tuesday that the Department take only punitive disciplinary action against Edri, who has been placed on leave pending the investigation's conclusion.


The recommendation will be reviewed by the commissioner and the Police Disciplinary Board before a final decision is made.


An IAB source explained that while police protocols demand any misconduct case be reported immediately, Edri's knowledge of the case extended to "third-party hearsay," which is vastly different from preventing a female soldier from filing a complaint – as was initially suspected.


The investigation initially focused on the possibility that Edri was made aware of Shaham's sexual misconduct via a female officer's direct commander, but refrained from reporting it.


Edri denied the allegations at first, be after he was confronted with the officer who relayed the information, he admitted to "being told of the events."


IAB concluded that "The senior officer's behavior and his failure to report the case as expected raise the possibility other disciplinary infringements."


However, the investigation did not find any evidence to warrant criminal charges, and therefore decided to recommend disciplinary action.


Attorney Zion Amir, for Edri, said that "There was never any doubt that he was innocent. I'm happy to see that it only took (IAB) a few days to reach that conclusion.


"As for the disciplinary action, we will state our position before the Police Disciplinary Board. We are convinced that the disciplinary procedure will end favorably as



Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino decided that Edri will remain on leave pending the decision in his case.



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