
Harsh criticism at Barak and Netanyahu. Winograd
Photo: Alex Kolomoisky

Protesters against Iran strike: 'Stop the madness'

Dozens gather outside Barak's home, protesting against Iran strike. 'They are toying with human lives,' one protester says

Outraged at the prospect of a possible strike in Iran, dozens of protesters rallied outside the home of Defense Minister Ehud Barak Sunday, as they have every night during the past three weeks. Protesters lit hundreds of candles to mark the number of lives that will be lost if Israel goes into war with Iran, as was estimated by Barak himself.


"They are toying with human lives," said Yifat Solel, one of the protestors. "Not a single official says that a strike in Iran would stop it from developing a nuclear weapon. But one thing is certain – if we attack Iran we will be led to war. We can't drag Israel into war. It's inconceivable how badly those in office who are advocating an attack can disregard human lives – mine, yours, all of ours."


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Naomi Saroussi, another protester, said: "We've been demonstrating in front of the home of minister of war, Ehud Barak, and we will continue to demand, in the name of the sane majority on both sides, to stop the madness."

נרות הנשמה בהפגנה (צילום: מוטי קמחי)

Protesters lit candles signifying the number fatalities (Photo: Moti Kimchi)


Earlier on Sunday, gormer Supreme Court judge, Eliyahu Winograd, who headed inquiry into Second Lebanon War leveled harsh criticism at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, in an interview with Army Radio. Winograd criticized Barak and Netanyahu's assessment of Israeli casualties in the event of war with Iran, saying: "No more than 500 killed? How do you know? Did you already count?"


"We trust Netanyahu and Barak and 'what they say goes'? Is that how it's going to be? I'm not familiar with their considerations, but their (statements) are extremely irresponsible."



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