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Rapper suspected of drug trafficking

Police arrest 30-year-old man after hundreds of grams of marijuana are found in his parents' Tel Aviv home

Police on Wednesday arrested a 30-year-old rapper over suspicions of drug trafficking. Police received intel that the suspect received several packages of drugs from Holland and arrived at his parents' home in Tel Aviv to arrest him. He was found in possession of hundreds of grams of marijuana.


Tel Aviv district Border Guard officers raided the house and located the suspect. They also found drugs hidden throughout the apartment.


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The suspect presented police with a medical document stating that he was allowed to be in possession of up to 50 grams of marijuana for medicinal purposes, but police noted that the amount exceeded 50 grams by a great deal.


The case was transferred to the northern Tel Aviv police station. On Thursday the suspect will be brought before the court for a remand hearing in the Magistrate's Court.




פרסום ראשון: 09.13.12, 18:04
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