
MK Ronit Tirosh
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Daylight Savings Time to be extended by 10 days

MKs who initiated bill wanted more but Knesset finally approved bill to extend Daylight Savings Time to period of 193 days

After endless arguments, protests and general discontent the Knesset on Monday approved a bill to extend Daylight Savings Time to a period of 193 days between March 30 and October 1.

The bill was approved a special recess session.


The law now stipulates that Daylight Savings Time will start on the Friday before the last Sunday in March at 2 am and end on the first Sunday in October at 2 am. If the first Sunday in October falls on Rosh Hashana, Daylight Savings Time will be extended until the first Monday after October 1.


MK Ronit Tirosh, who initiated the bill together with MK Nitzan Horowitz, said: "The bill is better that the current state but it's not enough. Daylight Savings Time should be extended further. There's no reason for Israelis not to enjoy another hour of daylight."


A total of 19 Knesset members voted in favor of the bill, seven opposed and one abstained.




פרסום ראשון: 11.05.12, 15:14
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