
Photo: Motti Kimchi
Itzik Cohen protesting in Tel Aviv
Photo: Motti Kimchi

Man launches hunger strike at Rabin Square

Itzik Cohen, cardiac patient, unable to afford medicine, goes on hunger strike, sets up tent in Tel Aviv: 'I cannot survive without these meds'

As social activists revive the social protest in wake of new austerity measures, a new encampment was set up in Tel Aviv's Rabin Square on Sunday.


The tent were set up by Itzik Cohen, 51, a retired police officer with a heart condition and activist Ruth Kolian. Cohen decided to launch his own personal protest last week when he was unable to buy blood thinner medication. "I cannot survive without these meds," he told Ynet.


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"The government tramples over people who have nothing and taxes people who can't possibly afford the new measures. I don't understand how the prime minister and finance minister sleep at night."


כהן באוהל המחאה. "עד ששרי הממשלה יתעשתו" (צילום: מוטי קמחי)

Cohen by his protest tents (Photo: Motti Kimchi)


Awaiting a heart transplant, Cohen uses a respirator to help him breath. But even in this fragile state, he has decided to launch a hunger strike "until the ministers come to their senses and withdraw some of the taxes."


"I'm not moving even if it costs me my life," he proclaimed.


A married father of one, Cohen was forced to take early retirement in 2007 due to his heart condition.


After 25 years in service, he was left with a monthly NIS 4,000 pension. He has since fallen into debt. "We just can't survive. We can’t pay for food or rent and we have to deal with heavy debt over basic costs. "We essentially live off loans, but there's no one to borrow from anymore."


The family resides in Hadera and lives off Cohen's pension and disability allowance. His wife works as a behavioral aid. "A large portion of our income is spent on paying back loans so we're left with several thousand shekels every month to live off."


Last week, he was told at the local pharmacy he could not purchase subsidized medication as he had no credit. "It pained me to see we live in a place where sick people who have no money get trampled on," he said.


Kolian, his partner in the protest, has organized several marches and protests against the budget and the state of public housing. "Itzik is one of thousands that live in destitute poverty. We are here to make their voice be heard," she said.



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