
Arison. 'Another step towards positive change in the world'

Shari Arison joins Branson's B-Team

Israeli businesswoman becomes one of leaders of non-profit initiative working to encourage more business leaders worldwide to prioritize people, planet alongside financial profits

Israeli businesswoman Shari Arison has joined the global business leaders of the B-Team, a non-profit initiative co-founded by Sir Richard Branson and Jochen Zeitz to advance a Plan-B that places values at the core of business.


Other leaders in the organization include Kering CEO François-Henri Pinault, Unilever CEO Paul Polman, Indian Tata Group Chairman Ratan Tata and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus.


Carefully chosen by a global network of advisors for their profound commitment to values-based business, the B-Team's global business leaders will work jointly to pave the way and encourage more business leaders worldwide to prioritize people and planet alongside financial profits.


"Today we want to start a global conversation on a Plan B for business,” said Branson. “We are working with government agencies, the social sector and business leaders to help get on top of some of the world’s seemingly intractable challenges. We are keen to listen, learn and share with others to build businesses that do what’s right for people and the planet.”


Shari Arison said, “Joining the B-Team, a collaboration of leading businesspeople, is another step towards positive change in the world.

Business and philanthropy are platforms for Doing Good and bringing about positive change in the world. If we all start to think good, speak good and do good, our world will be different.


"Believing in leadership by example," she added, "the B-Team is here to share knowledge on making business a platform for social, environmental, and economic benefit."



פרסום ראשון: 06.17.13, 13:07
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