
Israel trip for Conn. economic agency

Connecticut’s economic development commissioner planning to visit Israel in December with business leaders to encourage local companies to bring their business to US state

Connecticut’s economic development commissioner is planning a trip with business leaders to Israel to promote companies based in the state.

Department of Economic and Community Development Commissioner Catherine Smith says the trip is set for December 6 to 11.


It is intended to encourage Israeli companies to bring their business to Connecticut and help companies who want to export their goods and services to the Middle East nation.


Smith plans meeting with business and industry leaders, government officials and educational leaders. She will devote special interest to aerospace, clean energies, biotechnology, finance, insurance and manufacturing.


The commissioner also will host a Connecticut Day event in Israel.


The economic development department is organizing the trip with the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford, the MetroHartford Alliance and the US Department of Commerce.



פרסום ראשון: 09.08.13, 07:21
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