
2-month-old accidentally receives milk from HIV positive mother

Confusion between milk bottles in Schneider Children's Medical Center causes two-month-old baby to receive breast milk produced by HIV positive mother

A two months old baby, who is hospitalized in Schneider Children's Medical Center in Petah Tikva, received a bottle containing the milk of an HIV positive mother, Channel 10 reported Monday.


On Saturday, an individual in the children's ward seemingly confused two bottles containing breast milk that were meant for two different infants hospitalized in the ward.


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As a result of the confusion, the two-month-old baby received a bottle with milk from another baby's mother. When the mistake came to light, as per protocol, the mother was asked to undergo an HIV test.


The results came in positive on Monday, and hospital staff was forced to inform the baby's parents of the mistake, and start the child on preventative care.


The medical team also told the HIV positive mother, who had no idea of her health status.


Schneider Children's Medical Center reported the incident to the Health Ministry. The hospital stated: "The hospital management expresses deep regret about the mistake and is conducting a thorough investigation in order to learn lessons and keep from any such mistake happening again."



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