
Average wage climbs 1% to NIS 9,297

CBS data indicate top wage earners are workers in mining, quarrying industry, with average wage of NIS 21,968 before tax. Water, electricity workers follow, with average wage of NIS 19,306

In August, the average wage fell to NIS 9,297 (some $2,629), compared to NIS 9,485 (some $2,682) in July, according to statistics released by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).


Data indicated an increase of 1% in the average wage between the months of June through August, after rising 1.6% between March to June.


Leading the wage earners in August were the mining and quarrying industries, at NIS 21,968 (roughly $6,212) pre-tax, followed by water and electricity workers at NIS 19,306 (roughly $5,459).


Bank and insurance employee average salaries were third on the list at NIS 15,421 (some $4,361). In industrial fields, the average wage was NIS 12,841 (some $3,631).


Within the education system, the average wage was NIS 7,350 (approximately $2,078). The average wage in agriculture was NIS 6,098 (approximately $1,724) and at the bottom were workers in the food service industry, with an average wage of NIS 4,344 (approximately $1,724).


CBS data also indicate that between the months of June-August 2013, the number of jobs increased by 0.8% to an annual rate of 3.163 million.


This follows an increase of 0.7% in the annual rate between March-May.


On Monday, the median wage was released. Last year, it amounted to NIS 6,541 (apx. $1,849) pre-tax, per month.  






פרסום ראשון: 11.08.13, 09:27
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