
Photo: Motti Kimchi
The convicted officer
Photo: Motti Kimchi

Senior IDF officer convicted of sexual assault escapes jail

Lieutenant-Colonel at northern base touched two female soldiers inappropriately, enticed them with alcohol; officer will be demoted to private, perform community service.

An IDF lieutenant-colonel convicted of sexual assault of two women soldiers will be demoted, but won't be spending a single day in jail.



    A special court at the Kirya military compound in Tel Aviv sentenced the naval officer to two months of community service in the military. The officer was convicted two months ago of performing sexual acts on two women subordinates on a base in the north.


    He will perform the community service at a base in the center of the country and is demoted to the rank of private. He will also be forced to pay compensation of NIS 1,500 ($430) to each victim.


    Throughout the entire judicial process the officer denied the victims' claims. He refused to enter a plea bargain or express remorse for his actions, saying the soldiers had plotted against him.


    The naval officer and his lawyer may appeal the verdict.


    According to the verdict, the senior officer kissed one of the soldiers several times on her lips and cheeks, put his hand on her chest and underneath her shirt, touching her back and stomach. He was also convicted of touching the other soldier inappropriately.


    The soldiers said the lieutenant-colonel had tried to persuade them to give false testimony. They also told Ynet that the officer enticed them with chocolate and vodka while on the base. The soldiers at first were scared to complain because of the officer's "demigod-like stature" at the base.


    The judges said that since one of the soldiers returned to the officer's office and sat on his lap, that she used him to for the benefit of her sex life, thus "these actions point to a lesser degree of guilt."



    פרסום ראשון: 01.14.14, 11:00
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