
Photo: Gali Shmueli
French Hill, Jerusalem
Photo: Gali Shmueli

4 Molotov cocktails thrown at Jerusalem dance club

Police detains three Arab youths suspected of being involved in the attack; no injuries or damage reported.

Four Molotov cocktails were thrown towards a ballroom dancing club in the Jerusalem neighborhood of French Hill Saturday night. No injuries or damage were reported in the incident.



One of the bottles caught fire in the building's backyard, and citizens who arrived at the scene extinguished the fire. The Jerusalem District Fire Services said that no call was received about the event.


Following the incident, the Jerusalem District Police launched searches in the area, and detained three Arab youths suspected of being involved in the attack.


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The French Hill neighborhood is located near the Arab neighborhood of Isawiya. This was not the first time Molotov cocktails were thrown towards homes and buildings in the Jewish neighborhood on a Saturday night.


Two months ago, three Molotov cocktails were thrown towards a private home in the same neighborhood. There were no injuries in the event, and light damage was caused to the house.


The issue of safety among residents of the French Hill neighborhood became a major subject discussed prior to the recent municipal elections.


Residents of the neighborhood complained about the increasing terror attacks, like the throwing of Molotov cocktails and stones, as well as setting vehicles on fire.


In response, The Jerusalem Municipality dug a channel between the adjacent Jewish and Arab neighborhoods and installed cameras and lighting in French Hill.


פרסום ראשון: 04.06.14, 09:47
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