
Photo: Herzliya Fire Dept. Spokesman's Office
The burnt Bar Refaeli billboard
Photo: Herzliya Fire Dept. Spokesman's Office

Who would try to torch a Bar Refaeli billboard?

Police say evidence found at the scene suggests arson, but motive is not clear yet.

Vandals attempted to set fire to a 25-meter advertisement billboard of Israeli model Bar Refaeli at the Glilot intersection for the second time on Tuesday. The first attempt to burn the billboard also ended unsuccessfully last Saturday



Herzliya firefighters rushed to the scene to put out the fire. The fire caused damage to the lower part of the billboard. Vandals also sprayed a Star of David and the writing "Am Israel Chai" on it.


The burnt Bar Refaeli billboard (Photo: Herzeliya Fire Dept. Spokesman)
The burnt Bar Refaeli billboard (Photo: Herzeliya Fire Dept. Spokesman)


"Am Israel Chai" spray-painting (Photo: Photo: Herzliya Fire Dept. Spoksman) (Photo: Herzliya Fire Dept. Spoksman's office)
"Am Israel Chai" spray-painting (Photo: Photo: Herzliya Fire Dept. Spoksman)


Firefighters said that the reason the fire didn't spread upward and did not engulf the entire billboard was because the sign was made of fire resistant materials.


In both cases, the findings suggested arson and police opened an investigation. The motive behind the act is yet unclear.


פרסום ראשון: 05.20.14, 16:47
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