
Abbas: Smuggling tunnels illegal; Presidential Guard should be at border crossing

During a recent visit to Egypt for the swearing in of newly elected President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas sat for an interview with Sada al - Balad, saying that the unity government recently formed with Hamas will adhere to all the terms already agreed to by the PA.


Abbas included that reconciliation between Hamas and the PA will not by viable in the long run without the presence of the Presidential Guard along the border between Gaza and Egypt.


"If the PA doesn't take part of the responsibility for management of border crossing, there won't be reconciliation," said Abbas. He called Gazan smuggling tunnels, "illegal" and promised that with the Presidential Guard at Gaza's borders, everything will enter and exit the territory through border guards. (Roi Kais)


פרסום ראשון: 06.08.14, 08:06