
Lamborghini on sale in Qatar

Doha deal: Buy a Ferrari, donate to Gaza

Qatar Red Crescent's public auction raises $3 million for rehabilitation of Strip by selling luxury vehicles and motorcycles.

The Qatar Red Crescent Society hosted a public auction last weekend in Doha to raise funds for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip. Cars and motorcycles from 2012 to 2014 were on offer, including 14 luxury vehicles, as well as three parts from the cover which wraps the holy Kabaa in Mecca.



According to Qatari media outlets, the organizers successfully raised 11 million Qatari riyals ($3 million), a part of which was designated for the rehabilitation of the Strip, including the construction of homes, mosques, schools, and hospitals, as well rebuilding and fixing the infrastructure damaged during Operation Protective Edge.


Mini Cooper on display in Doha
Mini Cooper on display in Doha

A press release by the organization said that a quarter of the sum raised by the public auction would be invested in the rehabilitation effort, while some of the money would be returned to the owners of the auctioned property.



The top billed item in the auction was a 2013 Lamborghini sold for 8 million Qatari riyals ($2.2 million); two 2013 Ferraris and a 2012 McLaren were sold for 580,000 Qatari riyals ($159,000).



The Kabaa coverings were sold for 50,000 Qatari riyals ($13,730).


Lamborghini on display in Qatar
Lamborghini on display in Qatar


Qatari media outlets claimed the event was attended by businessmen and sponsors from the ruling elite. Despite the recent expulsions of several senior Muslim Brotherhood officials from the Gulf state, the organization's spiritual leader, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, spoke at the auction.


Al-Qaradawi praised the resilience of Gaza's residents throughout Operation Protective Edge, and urged Muslims across the world to invest efforts and donate to the rehabilitation of Gaza.


פרסום ראשון: 09.29.14, 12:31
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