
Photo: Yehonatan Tzur
Spin that dreidel (archives)
Photo: Yehonatan Tzur

Tel Aviv sets dreidel-spinning world record

As another Hanukkah comes to an end, 754 Israelis manage to spin their dreidels simultaneously for at least 10 seconds.

It's a new world record.


Over 1,000 people gathered together at the Sarona Complex in Tel Aviv on Sunday to celebrate Hanukkah in one of the ways only we know: By spinning a dreidel.



This particular group of people did have an ulterior motive besides spending the holidays with friends, loved ones and 999 strangers.

They came to break the world record for "dreidel-spinning," a record which previously belonged to a United Synagogue Youth group, set in Philadelphia on December 28, 2011 after 734 of them managed to consecutively spin a dreidel for at least 10 seconds.


Unfortunately for them, the Israelis were able to succeed in their venture, with 754 of the roughly 1,000 who participated able to get their dreidels spinning simultaneously.


Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock


The event was overseen and recorded by the Guinness organization, whose representatives were watching closely at all times, and kicked off by Knesset Member Tzipi Livni.


It was organized in conjunction with the Sevivon House, a store in Sarona Complex.


Participants varied in age, from eight-year-olds to seniors, standing alongside a 200-meter-long (655-foot-long) table set up for the holiday world record-setting occasion.


Reprinted with permission from Shalom Life .


פרסום ראשון: 12.24.14, 00:16
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