
Photo: Reuters
Obama and Lau at Yad Vashem
Photo: Reuters
Noah Klieger

Obama's naive deal on Iran

Op-ed: Contrary to all rational thought, the president and his European partners are about to sign an agreement that will allow Iran to pose a serious threat to Israel, the Mideast - and the entire world.

"The State of Israel does not exist because of the Holocaust. But with the survival of a strong Jewish State of Israel, such a Holocaust will never happen again," US President Barack Obama said during a speech at the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem some two years ago.



Addressing Obama following his speech, Tel Aviv Chief Rabbi Meir Lau, a Holocaust survivor and chairman of Yad Vashem, said that a former American serviceman he had met with the year before had begged him for forgiveness during their encounter.


"He shook my hand and said, ‘Rabbi I was one of the liberators of Buchenwald… We came too late,'" Lau recalled.


"You were late by six million in World War II; I hope you make it on time this time," Lau said to Obama, bringing tears to the eyes of many in attendance, and clearly moving the American president.


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Today, two years on, Obama seems to have forgotten both his own statements and the words of Rabbi Lau – and the emotional experience of his visit to Yad Vashem too, apparently.


Contrary to all reason and rational thought, Obama and his European partners are about to sign an agreement that will allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons and pose a serious threat not only to the existence of Israel, but also to the future of its neighbors in the Middle East – and world peace too in the final analysis.


After all, only Obama, the most naïve president ever to occupy the White House, and the European leaders influenced by the actions of the so-called "leader of the free world" could actually believe that the ayatollahs from Tehran will abide by the agreement.


Just as they have lied and deceived until now, they will continue to do so – and again play the Americans and Europeans for fools.


פרסום ראשון: 03.31.15, 20:34
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