
Photo: Hadassah Medica Center
Shira Klein
Photo: Hadassah Medica Center

Woman wounded in J'lem terror attack leaves hospital

Two weeks after she was seriously wounded in a vehicular attack that killed her partner, Shira Klein is released from hospital; she has viewed the video documenting the attack.

Shira Klein, 24, who was injured in the vehicular terror attack in Jerusalem that killed her partner, Yohai Shalom Cherki, was released Thursday morning from Hadassah Medical Center in Ein Kerem. She chose to view the video that captured the moment at which the car veered sharply from the road and hit the couple.



"I'm extremely grateful to everyone who treated me at the hospital and everyone who prayed for me and worried about my safety," she said. "I wanted to return to school, but I'll wait a few weeks to regain strength." Klein is currently pursuing a master's degree in psychology.


Shira Klein is recuperating and stable (Photo: Hadassah Medical Center)
Shira Klein is recuperating and stable (Photo: Hadassah Medical Center)


She was treated in the orthopedic wing at Hadassah Medical Center, where she had been taken in very serious condition.


"Shira is being released in good and certainly stable condition, after being treated by the trauma unit staff, as well as the neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons," said Prof. Meir Liebergall, director of Hadassah's Orthopedic Surgery Department, who operated on her arm.


"Thank God, Shira feels much better and we hope she will keep improving," said Klein's mother, Ada.


"Shira knows all the details of the terror attack and filled the gaps through what we told her. She saw the video that shows the moments of the attack."



פרסום ראשון: 04.30.15, 11:24
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