
Lieberman to 'seriously consider' joining gov't if construction continues in Ma'ale Adumim

Israel's current government may yet be expanded according to a Facebook post on Tuesday by Israel Beiteinu Chairman Avigdor Lieberman saying that he would consider joining Prime Minister Benjmanin Netanyahu's government if construction was allowed to continue in Ma'ale Adumim, just East of Jerusalem.


Lieberman said that the cessation of construction in the West Bank settlement was one of the reasons he'd refused to join the current coalition in the first place. "There's no doubt that in any agreement, Ma'ale Adumim will remain part of Israel and therefore there's no reason not to build there.


"After the Prime Minister and Defense Minister sign off of the construction of 1,000 new units in Ma'ale Adumim, I'll seriously consider joining the government."


פרסום ראשון: 06.16.15, 17:35