
Photo: AFP
Photo: AFP
Photo: AFP

South Africa's de Klerk opposes sanctions on Israel

The former South African president who helped end apartheid says sanctions against Israel would be "counterproductive."

F.W. de Klerk told Israel Radio Sunday that comparisons between apartheid South Africa and Israel's treatment of the Palestinians are "odious," and that he prefers "dialogue and negotiation as a way to get governments to change their attitudes."



Those who support boycotting Israeli goods or goods made in West Bank settlements often point to a similar campaign credited with having undermined white rule in South Africa. Israel rejects the comparison, and says the boycotts are aimed at delegitimizing its very existence.


De Klerk and Nelson Mandela receiving the Nobel Peace Price in 1993. (Photo: AFP) (Photo: AFP)
De Klerk and Nelson Mandela receiving the Nobel Peace Price in 1993. (Photo: AFP)


De Klerk was the last president under apartheid and, along with Nelson Mandela, ended its systematic racial discrimination.


He says the sanctions against South Africa "hurt the people they were intended to help."


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently announced that NIS 100 million would be set aside to counter the international boycott divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign that calls for the complete boycott of Israeli goods.


He also said that the Israeli government is debating ways to improve cooperation between the different government agencies fighting BDS, and Jewish organizations abroad.


פרסום ראשון: 06.22.15, 08:50
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