
אתר תל אביב גברים נשים

Tel Aviv Municipality site: Israeli male 'was born to protect you', women 'live for attention'

Site for foreigners interested in studying in Israel gave advice on how to approach and understand men and women, including that the former 'need to be put in their place' and the latter 'will eat you alive'.

The Israeli male "has no problem undressing you with their (sic) eyes" and "was born to protect you", while the women are "fragile and live for attention", according to, which is run on behalf of the Tel Aviv Municipality.



The site is part of Tel Aviv Global, described as an initiative started by the Mayor's Office "dedicated to elevating the city's global positioning." The site containing the text quoted above is intended to provide information for those interested in coming to study in Israel and for tourists.


Screenshot from Study in Tel Aviv site
Screenshot from Study in Tel Aviv site


The men of Israel "are straightforward, but need to be put in their place", said the site, and "have an army instinct imbedded (sic) in their DNA", which can appear chauvinistic to "independent women" but is harmless.


As for how to treat women, the site suggested complimenting her, "buy her a drink and let her talk for a bit. But don't be too easy to please at the start. This kind of chick will eat you alive."


Further insights were provided: The Israeli woman "has to be interested first. So if she's playing a staring game while suggestively dancing to the latest Moshe Peretz hit, then she wants you to make the first move."




Tel Aviv Municipality said of the site: "This is a pilot site launched by a subsidiary for foreign students, which is run by a number of interns. The content was acquired from an external source and was meant to be humorous, but was found tasteless and was removed from the site."


פרסום ראשון: 08.26.15, 18:03
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