
The scene

New immigrant couple killed in gas leak incident

Man and woman in their 30's killed as a result of a gas leak in their Jerusalem apartment, police are investigating all angles.

Two new immigrants, a man and woman in their 30's, were found dead on Tuesday morning in their apartment. 



Magen David Adom paramedics were called to the scene after neighbors noticed the strong smell of gas in the building. Based on the condition of the bodies, the two had died on Monday.


The circumstances of the death are still unclear, and police are investigating every angle. A preliminary investigation has strengthened the suspicion that a gas leak caused by negligence led to the couple's death.


A neighbor called emergency services after he had noticed that the couple failed to pick up their morning groceries.


The scene of the leak (Photo: MDA)
The scene of the leak (Photo: MDA)


Three fire and and rescue crews arrived on the scene around 8am. They broke into the apartment through an adjacent apartment, and found the unconscious couple after conducting a search of the home. They couple was treated on the scene by Magen David Adom paramedics.


A gas leak was discovered in the apartment.


The scene of the leak (Photo: Gil Yochanan)
The scene of the leak (Photo: Gil Yochanan)


The fire services crews immediately evacuated the building and began airing out the apartment, fearing that such a concentration of gas could cause a large explosion. Crews are still working on the scene in an attempt to rule out the presence of other dangerous chemicals.


One of the couple's neighbors said: "The two are recent olim. They were a happy couple, without children, very nice people. This morning I heard the police and firefighters yelling at the building to evacuate. They climbed into the building using ladders."


The scene of the leak (Photo: MDA)
The scene of the leak (Photo: MDA)


Another neighbor, Yoel Saks said, "I knew them, and they seemed like a special couple. Recent immigrants who got married not long ago. I didn’t see them two or three weeks. They could have just returned from abroad."


MDA paramedic who arrived at the scene, Natanel Refuah, said, "When we came up on the street we could smell the sharp stench of gas coming from the building. The firefighters immediately evacuated the building of its residents, and I entered the building with them after donning a special protective suit. Inside the apartment we found an unconscious man and woman, who presented no signs of life. We tried to administer treatment, but unfortunately we were forced to declare their deaths in the field."


פרסום ראשון: 09.08.15, 11:32
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